Mexican Knives at The Rondo
Photos and reviews of Mexican Knives, Huttch, and Water/Heart at The Rondo in Windsor, with new experiences shooting on the Rokinon 35mm len
November Recap
November was kind of a crazy month. I accomplished less on the photography front than I normally do, but made it through running the...
October Recap
October was a surprisingly busy month, with different types of work on all fronts. I'm still working with WindsoriteDOTca, which always...
The Wedding of Nathan and Sandra Gambriel
Now that the weather is getting colder and it's pretty much Halloween, I figured it's the perfect time to finally post some photos from a...
Gypsy Chief Goliath at The Backstage
Last night for the first time in ages I was able to catch a Gypsy Chief Goliath set, and while some of the members on stage were a bit...
Goodnight Sunrise at Harvesting the F.A.M. Fest
Last weekend I was super excited to checkout Toronto's Goodnight Sunrise in Windsor as part of Harvesting the F.A.M. Fest. I caught them...