August 2017 Recap
August was a busy one, and based on how late this post is coming it's fair to say that September is too, and I'm loving it! Last month I was able to get out of town for a bit, work with some awesome clients, and catch some rad bands. Here's a quick look back at all of that.
Sarah Morris Head Shots - August 3
My best bud Sarah Mo' recently landed a new gig with Workforce Windsor-Essex, and asked me to take some new head shots for her for their website. Here are the results of that!
RockStar Summer Fest - August 5
This shoot already has it's own post, so check that out for more info and shots from this metal show in Windsor.
Janitor Vow Renewal Ceremony - August 13
Once again this shoot has it's own post, but here are a few of my favourites from Beauty and Kevin's 25th anniversary vow renewal ceremony.
Collingwood Trip - August 22 to 24
There's a whole long story to go with this trip and these photos. So long, in fact, that I'm releasing it in two blog posts. The first is already posted, so consider these photos a teaser to the sequel.
Solar Eclipse - August 21
I was looking forward to this event for weeks, and it was great to see all the crowds out at the Windsor riverfront to experience it. Check out more shots here.
Summer Slaughter Tour at The Majestic Theatre, Detroit - August 25
This rad metal fest was my first time at The Majestic Theatre, and it's a venue I'd love to shoot at again. Here are some shots of The Faceless, Dying Fetus, and The Black Dahlia Murder.