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WEEDC Music Strategy Report

Last month the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation (WEEDC) released their music strategy report, which outlines ways in which Windsor-Essex can use live music to boost the regional economy. The report looks at areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities, and introduces the Windsor-Essex Music Advisory Council (WEMAC), which is made up of people currently involved in different facets of the local music community. The goal of the council is to be a central hub for artists, promoters, venue owners, studios, and more to come to with questions, concerns, and ideas.

If you check out the March edition of The Windsor Independent you can find a full story I wrote on the report, including an interview with two of its creators.

While the report itself is pretty awesome, and something I hope is able to help the region, I'm also excited about it for more selfish reasons.

All of the photos used throughout the final document are photos that I have taken in and around Windsor, and I'm so thrilled to have been able to contribute to this awesome project, even if only in a visual sense.

Below are a few pages from the report, but you can also check out the full thing here (which I really recommend you do, because it's an interesting read).

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