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December Recap

We're more than halfway through the month, and I'm only just now getting around to doing December's recap. Ridiculous, I know. But that time after the holidays is always crazy, with life going back to normal after a week of over-drinking and over-eating. Plus I just started a new job with Windsor Public Library, which has me all sorts of excited and fairly busy. But I kind of don't mind doing this a bit later than usual. Having had so much time away from most of these photos really helped me to look at them in a new way, which was nice. Turns out having a little time apart isn't a bad thing! December was all over the place, but I still managed to get in a few concerts and even a family photoshoot. Here are my highlights from these.

Elsie Binx and Kougaran at Diesel Concert Lounge - December 8

It seems like Elsie Binx is now making a monthly appearance here, and that's alright. Having a consistent subject like this has helped me to try new techniques when shooting and editing, because I don't have that fear of things not working out and having no shots from a show. Their performances also always introduce me to bands that I hadn't previously been aware of, like Kougaran and their killer stage outfits.

Huttch, Mexican Knives, and Water/Heart at The Rondo - December 9

I was extremely excited to see Mexican Knives play, and was in no way disappointed by their set. It was a pretty solid night, and you can read more about it in this post from last month.

Wintersleep and Fake Palms at The Rondo - December 14

This is another set that has it's own post already, in not one by two other places. Here's the version I wrote for my blog, and here's the version I wrote for Respect Your Youngers, an American music blog that lets me contribute stuff for them from time to time. Great show, though, and the practice I got at the Mexican Knives show the week before really helped these photos, as by this point I was getting used to the space and the lighting. Loved that they kept the windows open for this one though. There's just something about watching a band with that beautiful Detroit skyline in the background that really got me.

Family Maternity Photos in Essex - December 31

It was a very cool way to kick off new year's eve, doing this family photo shoot with Stacey in Essex. The whole affair was a bit last minute as she wanted to get the session in before she went on a trip to Florida, and her daughter was feeling a bit under the weather the day we did it, but I'm still pleased with how these shots came out. Stacey seems to be as well, which is really the important thing.

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